So yesterday I got back from a two day trip to Cardiff with the school. The purpose of the trip was to see some parts of welsh culture and cover the language part of a subject called Welsh Bacc, a subject only those students in Wales aged 14-18 have to do, which sucks because it only came into action a few years ago, which means I got caught in the new age groups that had to do it. I am the only one in my family who has to do it, my three other siblings missed it. Yes, lucky them.

So we left around 9:15 to head to a place called 'St.Fagans', it took us about two hours to get there. St.Fagans is basically a historical place where you get to see how houses have developed throughout time. For example the first house was like one that looked like the first house that had been made, a simple house with no complications. Oh apart from the fact that the people back then were like 5ft tall and didn't need a very big doorway, unfortunately for me, I'm 6ft tall which means I hit my head on a few doorways here and there which now leaves me with a huge lump on the top of my head, yay! There was one thing I liked about that place, which was the gardens, they were beautiful, the pond looked so pretty.
At 1:30, we headed to Cardiff castle, walking in I thought it was great, I thought I would be so interested in the tour, I was quite excited up until the point where we met our tour guide. At first, everyone loved the tour guide, we thought he was sarcastically funny, turns out he wasn't, he was just a prick! We headed into so many rooms where he would ask the same questions in every single room ''Who do you think designed this room?'', ''Why do you think this?'', ''Why do you think it has been done this way?'', these questions were followed by the line ''Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I'm not here to judge you.'' which was ironic because that's all he did, we would answer and straight away, he would be a knob about it. I think it was about the third room in where he got quite aggressive, it was funny but still. There was one point where he was talking about a girl a few hundred years ago who had one leg longer than the other, the first thing you do when someone says that is nervously laugh, but no, not with this tour guide. Our laughter was followed by him aggressively saying ''When we talk about someone with one leg bigger than the other, we don't laugh do we boys?''. Then after a while one of the boys yawned, it was so boring so I didn't blame him! But as soon as he did, out tour guide comes out with ''I think you should put your hand over your mouth when you yawn young man.''. It was funny because as soon as he said that, so many people started yawning, but the thing that made me laugh the most is that one of the teachers actually left the room to yawn so he didn't get told off. I have to admit, I was so jealous of the other people who weren't in our group and had a different tour guide.
Once we got away from the monster who was our tour guide, we were given a treasure hunt in either Spanish or Italian, we had to read what the sheet said and go wherever it told us to go. But no one really bothered with it, we just went shopping and spent a shit load of money because no one could actually read Spanish or Italian. This is where I experienced my first starbucks! My friend thought it would be funny to tell me to get the woman to write 'Bonqueesha' on my cup fully knowing I would do it. That was no where near as funny as when the other woman shouts ''Banana yoghurt frapuccino for Bonqueesha''. That made my day, seriously.
After we were all spent out, we headed to our accommodation, we stayed at the Cardiff University student halls. We then had to wait until our names were read out and put into rooms with others. My friends were called out before me which meant that they were with at least one of the girls in our group, except me, I am never put with my main friendship group, I'm always the odd one out. I thought I would feel really shit about who I was with after all of my friends had gone with their group, I didn't know who I would be put with but it turns out I was put in a room with another group of girls who I love a lot, we had so much fun in our room! I loved being with them!
We then headed up to our rooms and unpacked so we could then get ready for our meal out, everyone looked so lovely! We went to this Italian restaurant in Cardiff Bay which was so nice, everyone seemed so happy. The meal went so fast though, in no time at all we were heading back to our bus to go back to the accommodation.
In our flat there were 8 rooms, the six of us girls had a room each. Every flat had a teacher in it too, we had a P.E teacher, I didn't really think I would get along with this teacher because in the past, I had never had a proper conversation with her, we went to our lesson, and then left again. But it turns out the teacher we had was class, she was so much more fun than I thought she would be, in the lower years of my school life I always thought she was so strict so when it came to sharing a flat with her, I wasn't the happiest person. But once it came to it, she was great, we had the music blasting, all dancing around like crazies. I did get really annoying once it was time to go to sleep, I went to bed before she came back up to our flat, she had to check that we were all there in our rooms, myself and one of the other girls had gone to bed before the other four and locked our doors, about half an hour later I heard the teacher knocking at my door, I didn't respond because I knew it would wake me up if I shouted back. She was knocking and shouting for about five minutes, but I still didn't shout back, I heard the other girls explaining to her that I was in the room but the teacher was having none of it, she told them she wouldn't stop until she got a response from me, I didn't bother shouting so i grunted instead, she asked me three questions and i grunted in answer to all of them, the girls outside were laughing so hard! But i really couldn't be bother to shout.

Day 2
We were woken up at 7 in the morning, we weren't impressed even slightly. We were expected to be out at the bus at 7:45 ready to go. That's what we did, everyone was ready and headed out to the bus. It took a while for us to leave. The other bus left for Cardiff centre first and we followed behind them, as were were just about to turn out of the accommodation car park, the bus made a really loud noise, it wasn't a pleasant one. We had broken down, which was not fun considering none of us had had a cup of tea yet which we were looking forward to, everyone was in such a shitty mood! It was a nightmare. It took 45 minutes for the other bus to come back for us which meant we were an hour late to get breakfast, there were only 24 out of 62 of the students on our our bus, we had 4 member of staff too. When we eventually got to wherever we wanted our breakfast , we only had a short amount of time until we had to meet the others from the other bus. No one knew what was happening at this point, we were all gathered in a group, we looked like some sort of army. They then split us into two groups and put one of them on the bus, they then took people from our group until they had filled the bus. I was one of the people who didn't go on the bus. There were 8 of us and 6 staff, fortunately I had 5 of the 6 of my friends with me, one of them went of the bus, I didn't like that, I wanted her with us! Something that made me laugh was when one of the teachers was talking to me, she turned around to me and said ''Hey Jess, you're scary, go and make that bus driver take us to Swansea, I would listen to you if I were him'' I wasn't actually sure if it was a back handed compliment or not, but it was funny. Anyway, we were only stuck in Cardiff for about an hour and a half, which meant more shopping whilst the others were heading to a museum, I have to admit, I was so chuffed that I didn't have to go. Eventually the mini bus came, which was great, by then we had all had our cup of tea so we were happy and excited bunnies.
We finally caught up with the other group, we missed the museum (YESS!!) and went straight to an all you can eat restaurant which was soooo good! That was basically it, we then headed back home.
Overall, the trip was so much fun, everyone seemed so happy and it was a great trip!!