So if you know me, you will know that I am one of those people who can get annoyed at the slightest things and the main causes of me becoming angry are people. People can be the loveliest things but then some of them have annoying little traits about them and if I'm honest it only takes a slight thing that they do to completely infuriate me.
1.The first one is those who are described as 'two faced'. This is one of my biggest hates in people, obviously not everyone is two faced but you do get those sneaky ones. To your face they will be the loveliest of people and then as soon as your back is turned JAB JAB JAB they are stabbing you in that back of yours and being biggest two faced bitch in bitchville.
2.Number two is 'Snobs'. Those people who may of may not have more money in their family than yours who instantly think that they are above you. It's not always money, some just think they are above you because they may be prettier or better looking than you when sometimes that isn't that case. I know of many people who have no reason to be stuck up and think they are above you, they just do, I could not explain why but it happens and I hate it.
3.The third is 'Sheep' and no I don't mean the animal, when someone is described as a sheep, it means that the follow everyone else, they don't make their own decisions and they sit on the fence and let others argue about a subject of which they actually feel strongly about. I mean why can't they just speak up, I understand people are shy and I'm not saying shy people are sheep, I'm saying that if someone can't make their own decisions and fight their own battles now, where are they going to end up later on?
4.Kids in school is another one, I did write a whole post on this and how they irritate me but I still think these are one of the main reason I get annoyed at people. I mean the kids in school are so unpleasant to listen to, observe and some maybe to look at.
5.Number five has to be when people feel the need to put you down, to criticize what you plan to do, wear or even think. Say you are ambitious about something and this ambition doesn't include the norm, people will instantly put you down and tell you it is a stupid idea and that you really shouldn't do it. They try to friggin crush you.
6.The next one is the one that I witness on a daily basis and that is annoying eating noises, from slurps to crunches, there is literally nothing that annoys me more than the noises people make when they eat. Not all people do make loud noises but there are quite a few people in my life where I couldn't sit around a table and eat with them, it's so annoying, no one wants to hear those sounds, like ever.
7.Shadows are another thing, not just the things that follow you because of the sun but those people who you can class as shadows, someone who constantly follows another person. I hate this because I just find this so irritating! I know so many shadows, why can't you just live your own life without having to follow someone Else's, I mean leave, just leave. They really don't understand how irritating it is.
8.Number eight, those who spoil the ending to either a book or film. They get a laugh out of ruining it. Just because you've read it, that doesn't mean you should ruin it for others. It sort of feels like a waste of time if you've read through half and then you get it ruined. That's annoying.
9.The next one isn't one I see happen a lot but never the less, it's stupid. So you're in a shop, it might be busy it might not, someone pushes into you and they don't apologize, I mean what decent person wouldn't say sorry? I say sorry whether it's my fault or not, it's the nicest thing to do. Do it.
10.The last one, I see quite a lot of these and they are boys or girls who go through girlfriends/boyfriends like there's no tomorrow. And those who are always messaging more than one person at once, they obviously don't like one person enough, they just want a partner, most of them don't even know the person they are trying to chat up, they just like the way they look. Come on, just stop! Everyone knows what you're doing.
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