Monday, 16 February 2015

My Morning Routine Products

So I haven't blogged for a while ecause of school and work but now that I have time, I thought I would write a post on my morning routine and the products I use.

So to start off my day I always go to make a cup of tea and bring it back to bed where I lay there for a good hour on my IPad checking my blog, looking on my social media and checking and responding to my emails. Personally, I think everyday should start like this but most of the time I'm up at 6am to get ready for school.

The things that I do use daily is my skin and hair products.

When I'm done with my lazy part of my day, I wash my hair using the V05 nourish my shine shampoo and conditioner, I personally love these because it does what it says on the package, it does wonders to my hair!
Once I'm done with that I towel dry my hair and then put some Garnier ultimate belnds cocconut oil, this has been mentioned on my previous favouites post, I still use it because I love the way it makes my hair smell and it also adds protection.
Lastly with my hair I spray on some VO5 volume boost and plump it up blow dry lotion to make sure my hair is massive.

Once I've finished with my hair, I move on to my skin. Firstly, I use Garnier fresh cleansing lotion just because I love how it makes my face feel, then I use Neutrogena visibly clear pink grapefruit facial wash and Neutrogena visibly clear pink grapefruit daily scrub because I hate using soap. Once this is done I dry my face and use Nivea soft moisturising cream for my face and then finish off my moisturising everything else with my Superdrug own brand spray on body lotion.

Well there you have it, these are the things I use every morning.

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