Monday, 12 January 2015

Celebrity Big Brother 2015

I'm in love with big brother so much and when celebrity big brother comes on it makes me soo happy! I thought I would share my opinions on each housemate with you!

I never actually saw Baywatch so I didn't actually know who he is. Personally I don't like him. I thinks he's plain annoying!

When I heard that Katie was going in, I told myself I wouldn't watch this series because I can't stand the woman, but I have to admit, I kind of like her. I thinks she's alright as a person when she's not being so arrogant.

I don't really see her as a celebrity, having plastic surgery doesn't make you a celebrity but she is a lovely girl. She doesn't do much though.

At the minute everyone hates Ken, personally, I like him. He's the entertainment of this series, no one else is causing the trouble he is. Without him it would be so boring.

I'm not really sure what to think of Keith, I'm waiting for him to engage with the the rest of the house. He keeps himself to himself but I want to see him being part of the house!

Oh Callum, he's so beautiful. I love him. That is all.

Again, people aren't really liking Perez but I think he's hilarious! He is another one who's bringing entertainment, not the kind people want but he's making it interesting!

Michelle no doubt, has to be my favourite! I want her to win! She is just QUEEEEN!!

Chloe does nothing but moan. That annoys me.

Kav is another who I want to interact more. We don't see enough of him.

Ok. I want to meet Alexander so much. He seems like the sort of guy you want around you all of the time. I hope he makes it to the final!

Again, Patsy doesn't do anything but I like her.

Cami li 
Cami doesn't really do much except cause fights with ken, but she seems like she could be fun!

Nadia is my hate this series, she doesn't know how to mind her own business, whenever there's a problem, she's there lingering like a bad smell. I need her to now.

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