Saturday 4 October 2014

The best and worst me.

Lately I've been thinking about my personality and how others see it, then I realised that I have many personalities, not in a two faced way but as in the way I behave around different people. 

I have many situations where my personality is one I like. That's the fun one, the one where I don't care about others opinion of me, I'm a really weird, loud person with a good sense of humour, this part of me comes out when I'm with my friends or my form in school. People know me as the happy one. It was only the other day someone said to me 'if you're loud, we know you're ok. If you're quiet, we know we need to worry' at first it was difficult to analyse whether that was a good or bad thing. It turns out it was a great thing, when I'm around my peers, I'm the one who makes them laugh and it was really quiet in the room the other day and everyone thought I wasn't in the room, simply because I am the noise, but people have fun listening to me be a complete fool.

There is also a side to me which I do not like. If you know me, you'll know that I don't like kids. Not any particular ones, just kids in general. Being in my last year of school means I'm one of the oldest on my school bus, which also means everyone else on there is younger than me and let me tell you, they are not pleasant. It's weird how I act differently infront of those I don't like, when I'm on my school bus I'm a completely different person, I shout at kids when they shout at me, I'm in a constant bad mood and when I am actually in a good mood, I laugh, which they hate because they hate me. The school bus brings out the complete worste in me, I hate who I am when I'm with those people. I hate to say it but I think I look down on the kids, they are so young but so horrible, they smoke, swear, answer back. When I was there age I wouldn't have said boo to a goose, I would have been so intimidated by everyone and that makes me onto a horrible person.

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