Saturday 18 January 2014

Introduction to the mighty 7

My name is Jess, I'm 16 years old and I'm currently studying sociology, welsh and religious studies in lower sixth form. So, I have made this blog because it would act as a great way to express my feelings and opinions on basically anything, using a blog would take away the feelings and emotions I'm keeping locked inside to save the feelings of others. So, basically this blog is about my friends who I love with all my heart, great bunch of people whom I share my secrets, laughs and unrepeatable conversations. The most immature people I have ever met, couldn't imagine myself in a different group. This first piece will be an introduction to my friends.

Firstly there's Ellie, she's the sort of person you love to be around, she's got such a lovely personality, she's funny or should I make that crazy? Her laugh is contagious to everyone around her, it's sort of like a squeak and then a deep breath, one of the funniest laughs I've ever heard. Ellie is the latest member of the group, she only joined last year but there is no doubt that she is the most loved in our group. I shared a form with her since the first year of year seven, I always remember a geography lesson we had with Mr.Palmer, our form tutor. He was moving everyone to sit by someone new, someone we had never talked to before. He moved me next to Ellie, and like everyone else in the class, I wasn't impressed. I was very intimidated by Ellie because she was a popular girl, one of the prettiest too, but I soon learned that I was being silly and that she was lovely and up for a laugh. She became part of our group last year when her closest friend sort of left her for her boyfriend, that's when she became friends with Laura (you'll learn about Laura later) and after she started getting more comfortable with the girls, she instantly became loved by us all.

Then there's Kathryn, I think Kathryn would be described as the quietest of the seven girls, because we're all quite loud people, Kathryn is the one who talks the least but is one of the people who actually get my sense of humour.  I think out of the group, Kathryn is the one I was least closest to, it took a while for us to click. But we are still extremely close. Kathryn had been part of our group since the first year of secondary school, she became one of us during the middle of the year, at this point I don't think I was close to her at all, we hardly talked, but I could always see that she would be so much fun. And now which I can't believe, we are very very close and are part of a group that I am proud to call my best friends. Kathryn is someone you can't help but have inside jokes with, it's so much funnier when it's between the both of us! Kathryn has a smile that could light up the room, she's such a beautiful person inside and out and I love her.

Next is Laura, the texting, shopping and gossip addict, not to mention a total drama queen, which I love about her! She's the second most mature of the group and that could be quite difficult sometimes but we love her anyway. Laura is the most glamorous of the group, always making sure she looks ok, checking her hair, make-up and overall appearance. She's one that laughs more at her own jokes than other peoples, which is quite funny because it's nice to hear her laugh and see a smile on her face. Laura had been best friends with Kathryn since primary or secondary school, so that's how they sort of came to be apart of us. As mentioned earlier, it could be said that Laura was the founder of Ellie, they had such a close friendship, but then Ellie became closer to all of us. At first I didn't really hi
t it off with Laura, we had a few squabbles and didn't seem able to get on. I remember in year seven or eight, we had to do this dance as a form for the school eisteddfod, it was called 'inter form dance' which everyone hated. It is pretty petty but it came to a point where I didn't like the way Laura was taking over the dance when it was supposed to be choreographed by the whole form (year eight thing to think) and me being me, couldn't keep my mouth shut, it resulted in me telling Laura 'you dance like a prostitute. But eventually somehow, I can't remember how but we got over it (well I did, Laura still mentions it sometime) and now we are in sixth form, closer than ever.

Rhian, well Rhian is the most lively and energetic of the bunch, arms of steel and a stomach like a rock. Rhian is the most annoying of us, but annoying sounds like a negative thing to say but in this case, she's the best type of annoying, almost a cute type of annoying. I've only recently become close to Rhian, she joined the group in year nine, but only now we have started to bond, which I like because now as a group we are extremely close. She also used to be quite popular but I don't think the friends she had were as good. She went to a textiles club after school on a Monday along with Laura, Kathryn, Eve and Holly. I didn't go because I wasn't that interested in making clothes, pillows, slippers etc. I always remember that it was making sock monkeys which made Rhian become closer to the rest, they used to always tease Laura's ability to sow and mock her creations, they would put her monkeys tail in between its legs and pinned it there because they thought it would be funny. Which it was ( I'm laughing writing this)! She used to stay in textiles at lunch times to finish off her monkey. When she was done, she came down to the black seats (where we all used to sit until the start of this year) and showing us all her monkey, since then we were all amused by her quirk and she stayed with us, again I'm closer to her now than I have ever been.

Now there's Holly, Holly is undoubtably the most mature of us and it's nice when she wants a mature conversation. Holly enjoys talking about politics and enjoys expressing her opinion, which I enjoy listening to. Although she is a very mature person, she is also one of the most amazing people I've ever met, she does have a crazy mind sometimes and when it comes out she is so so funny. She's also a vegetarian, which is quite difficult when is comes to sharing jelly sweets with her. Holly is the only one of our group with a boyfriend. I have been in the same school as Holly since the start of infant school, but we only became friends in the first year of secondary school when I was instantly a fan of her charm and quirk.

Eve, there is so much to say about Eve. I'll start with describing what she's like. Eve (along with me) is the most immature out of us all, she comes out with the funniest things but she can also take things seriously which I like, she is the most lovely out of all of the group and I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. Eve is also very brainy, I've always been intimidated by that I suppose, never by her but by her ability to get such high grades, I was always jealous. Eve also has been in the same school as me since the start, but I never thought about going over and talking to her, at this point I had nothing in common with her, nothing to talk about. In year three, the start of primary school, she became best friends with Holly, they bonded over horse riding, I remember them running around the playground pretending they were riding horses, again, I never thought of talking to them because I didn't have anything in common with them didn't horse ride nor have any idea about horses, so I didn't bother. It was only in year seven that I noticed that not everything they talked about was horse related. See I moved forms because I didn't fit in with anyone, then I befriended Shannon, who was also friends with Eve and Holly, which helped me bond with them. Eventually Shannon no longer cared for us because we weren't that popular. I faded away from Shannon but later became so close to her again. Anyway, I stayed with Eve and Holly because I enjoyed their company and they didn't judge anyone, so I was in my element when it came to friends, I didn't think I needed anyone else, I had all the friends I needed even though I only had two, they made me feel like family and that they had been friends with me all my life. In a way, Eve changed me, and I know people say that you should never change for anyone, but she changed me in the best way possible. I became more comfortable with people, very confident and best of all I had friends, which I was never used to, so I was the happiest girl. Eve says that I changed her, also for the best. She says that without me, she wouldn't be who she is today, that I made her more confident, and to use her words 'you changed me into a monster' which I completely disagree with because she is amazing. We have had so many amazing memories together and I am so grateful to have her in my life. Now, in sixth form, I would say that Eve is my best friend, along with Holly, she is the one I go to when I need someone. I feel sorry for her in a way because she has to deal with my rants, worries, bitchyness and blues. But I do think she is lucky (not to boost my own ego) because I am the one she laughs with the most, she's the one who gets me the most and I get her. I'm the one she talks to too, which I like because thinking back to my primary school self, I never would have imagined having a friend like her. When she cries, I can't help but cry too, that's the sort of friendship we have, I absolutely love it. 

Without every single one of these girls, I would not be the person I am today, I would be a complete monster without them. I'm so thankful to have them all in my life and couldn't imagine my life without them.

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