Saturday 1 February 2014


I only wrote this blog for my own amusement, I don't expect anyone to read it. Of course if anyone is to stumble upon it, if they were to read it would be great.
I don't think I would like people I know to read this, I suppose it would take away the whole concept of writing a blog. I may aswell post it on Facebook or Twitter. The point I'm trying to make is that I'm not a very private person usually, I tell everyone everything. 
By using this blog, it helps me to express my feelings without having to explain anything to anyone, no one gets hurt and my problems are solved by writing, if I doesn't post things on my blog I would be keeping things to myself which would probably lead to a mental breakdown. Everyone needs to let off some steam sometimes. For me it helps to write something that nobody else will see, i like writing on this because if someone were to read it,They may be able to relate to what I write.
If there was someone I would like to read my blog, it would be Holly. One of my closest friends. I have two best friends in this world and one of them is Holly.
Holly is someone who I am confident to speak to and say whats on my mind. Anything that needs to be said to someone, I say it to Holly. I would say that she is the most understanding one of my friends. She gets what I'm trying to say, she understands how I feel about certain situations and most of all, she will tell me if I'm wrong or being out of line. In a way, she is like my counsellor, she just listens to me, takes it in, then gives me feedback on what I've told her. I think Holly is one of the people I trust most in the world. Genuine would be an understatement. 

Anyway, my blog is for my own amusement, no one else needs to read it but I wouldn't get offended if they did. It's purely to release my stress and anger. Maybe even to note a days event that I've enjoyed, but this is for me, not to please anyone else.

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