Monday 14 July 2014

The next step.

So it's come to the end of my first year of sixth form and it's bugging me that I really don't know what I want to do after I leave, I know there's still quite a long time before I finish school but it's getting to the point where everyone knows what they want to do afterwards, whether the decision is to stay on an extra year in school, go straight into work and the most popular, going to university studying what they think they wan to do in the future.
I have decided that I want to go to university but unlike so many others in my year, I don't know which one I would prefer or what subject I'd like to study, I mean I'm not completely unsure about the subject, I have my guidelines. 
So for the last year or so, I've really liked the idea of doing criminology, basically studying the minds and action of criminals, it really interested me, it still does. However, I spent a week in the majistrates court for work experience and it completely changed my perspective. A question I was asked while I was there was 'so why do you want to go into law?' At this point I still liked the idea of criminology, I never really thought about going into law. But then the day after, a university student who was also on work experience started telling me about her course and future payment, I instantly thought wow. That was the point where I started debating whether I still wanted to do criminology or of law was becoming an option. I mean there is so much more pay in law, it's an industry that will ever become unneeded, you will always need a solocitor. I think the thing that really caught me was a conversation between two solicitors, one of them asked the other if he wanted to join him on a weekend abroad, it was so casual, then this guy who was invited went online and booked his tickets there and then, I mean how great is that, a great job with great pay, so much that you can afford to waste money on stupid things, not that a holiday is stupid but I think you get the point. I couldn't help but imagine how great their lives must be, with a nice car, probably a nice house and expensive clothes, who doesn't want that? I'm not saying that you should go into a job that you're not ambitious about just because it pays well, but personally I'm interested in crime and law, it's the thing that most interests me. Although I think that's because I'm great at arguments and I feel that it's a profession that would get me to where I want to be. So yeah, I'm not quite sure about my next step but what's meant to be will be.

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