Monday 18 August 2014

Baby Pageants

I really don't like the idea of baby pageants, I really don't!
The idea of dressing my baby up in next to nothing and plastering shovels of makeup on them at such a young age is not my idea of fun. I'm 17 so I am way to young to even be thinking about having children but this is something I feel so strongly about.
I mean babies don't get a say in what they do when they can't talk or even understand what's going on, I really don't think it's fair on this child to have their parents make a complete mug out of them by making them look like some sort of cartoon character.

I have so much sympathy for these children, they probably just want to roll around on the floor and play with their toys, if not that then they probably just want to sleep or cuddle with their parents. I don't think a baby's idea of fun is getting people to vote for them in some sort of competition for the cutest baby.
When they grow older and learn that they came next to last in a competition to see who the cutest baby is, how embarrassing is that going to be. 
This is only coming to me now because I was scrolling down my Facebook news feed and saw that one of my relatives had put her child in one of these competitions and I just thought to myself, what the hell are you doing.
These people must be so desperate for money I just think it's ridiculous.

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1 comment:

  1. 100% agree with you on this one!
