Monday 18 August 2014

I spend my summer on games.

It's August which means that school is out and all kids get to go out, have fun and do whatever they want. Me being the most unsociable person, I decide to not do anything and to stay indoors, or my garden at a push with my eyes glued to either my phone, IPad or laptop. Yes, I'm one of those.
So when I concentrate on nothing other than the technology I own, I either watch a whole series of something a day or I kill time by playing on games. So I thought I would share with you the top 5 games that I'll probably spend the rest of my summer playing.

1. Make Them Jump. This is basically a game where you have to jump over things, it sounds easy enough but you are actually controlling the movement of two people. Yes I said it, two. When you first look at it, it seems so easy. Let me tell you it's not. I mean try playing flappy bird and then adding mines and knives coming at you. That's how difficult it is. My highest score is 21. But I do recommend that you give this game a try, especially if you are wanting to pass sometimes. But if you happen to be an angry person with no patience then don't, seriously don't. You will smash the screen of whatever you're using. Trust me, I almost did.

2. 100 Balls, and no it's not a sexual game as most people ask when I'm explaining the game to them. Basically, you have around 8 cups and 100 balls, you then have to get these inside the cups while the cups are moving, yes this sounds like the most boring game in history but i actually spent a whole day playing that thinking I was only playing for like an hour. I love this game.

3. Fare City. This is a taxi game, I have an obsession with games where you have drive. This isn't one of them but before I downloaded it I thought it was, when I later learned that it wasn't a game that would cause me road rage I thought I would be really disappointed but I wasn't. However, again if you have no patience then don't download it. I mean I'm quite an angry person but I can just about cope with it, almost throwing it across the room, but coping.

4. Crazy Taxi. Now this one is a driving game, I only downloaded it today but I already like it, it's a game that is me. You get to crash into random cars and destroy them with tanks, who doesn't want that?

5. Sims Freeplay. I know, judge me. I play sims because I have no life of my own so I control someone elses, who happens to be virtual. It sounds really creepy but it makes me feel so powerful, this persons life is in my control and it's not real so I can do whatever the hell I want with it. It's brill!

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