Wednesday 6 August 2014

Do you have to try?

So it's summer and I've just finished my first year of sixth form, being in sixth form, you make friends with those you have known for years but never actually said a word to and you sort of form a bond as a year, that's what my year did anyway. We were never close as a year in the lower school but that's all changed. So when we go back to school, the new year are going to come up to sixth form, we don't know which ones chose to stay and which ones are going to college but as a year, we are not looking forward to it. 
I was talking to a few of the people in the year below, ones i actually get on with and one of them said to me "one of the teachers said that it would be better if I stayed, so I'm staying" to Which I replied "That's if you get the grades?". To be able to get into sixth form, you need at least 5 C grades in your exams. The person I was taking to has got really bad anger and behavior issues and this person later informed me that this he doesn't need the grades and that they'll keep him anyway. 
Once he explained this, I started to wonder. If they are keeping you anyway, why is it that all of the other people have to work hard to get in and you don't. It feels like because this person got into a fair bit of trouble in school, he can get what he wants. People work so hard to get good grades to be able to stay on in school and he gets the easy option. I personally don't think that's fair. I worked so hard in my exams, once they were over, I cried at night thinking and worrying that I had failed and when I found out that I got the grades I was over the moon. This person doesn't have to worry and everyone else does. I hate that.
Everyone in my year tried their hardest to get where they are, they got the grades they needed and it turns out you don't need grades, you just need to behave badly to get what you want. What kind of example is that setting to the younger ones? 
I really don't understand this, why would you want to keep someone if they were a total pain in the ass for five years? I honestly don't get it. 
If I had my say, those who don't get the grades, don't get in. They could re-sit the exams until they got the grades like everyone else not get in because you know how to work the teachers and you know you can walk all over them.
Let's just say this person is setting them self up for failure, no university is going to take them because they are a nasty piece of work who goes through life walking all over people. There is no way this person deserves to be able to stay on.

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